Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Broadhaven South and Church Rock Wed. 30th March 2016

Okay so I had the chance to go to Pembrokeshire today. I was pleased to be out of the studio and also to test my new pochade box for the first time.  I parked at the car park at Broadhaven South and carried the gear down the steps not far but it was light enough much lighter than my easel box.
It took about 2 minutes to set up but no problems and the sand made for a good anchorage.

I got to work with a preliminary thumbnail sketch in my small sketchbook and then got on with it a quick outline with a brush and thin paint then painting directly.

There weren't many people on the beach but they all came to chat and see what was going on. I was painting in to the light but not much I could do about it other than squint occasionally.

Painting finished and the pochade box was a success. Few niggles when packing needs sorting out and a peg or something to stop the finished board sliding out otherwise yes ideal, a pochade box to hold 18 inch boards..

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Laugharne 5th March 2016

So yesterday I went to Laugharne to get some references for a commission. I took my Jullian Easel as it was sunny and I had the opportunity to get some painting done while I was there.

I found a good view with the sun behind me and to the right. I used my easel as it was a short walk from the car and I had an 18" x 12" board. I used a ground and then did a quick sketch in my sketch book and then went in to the painting with a size 12 long brush roughing out the boundaries first.

Rain threatened but I ignored it and it went away. I had a few visitors who were all pleasant and complimentary. 

I had considered putting in one of the boats but decided the painting didn't need it. All went well anyway. The photograph of the finished painting could be better, but I wasn't going to do it again.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

New Pochade Box progress.

I have been working on my new pochade box this week. Nearly done apart from some finishing details. It is meant to fit on top of a camera tripod with that little 1/4 inch screw. I have fitted it thus but remain to be convinced it will be sufficiently stable in practice. So I might yet get out the hacksaw and box of bolts. I also think the moveable parts in the tripod head are pretty superfluous add weight and unnecessary movement. Anyway it is still a work in progress but I am hoping it will do the job. 

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Large Pochade Box

For what it is worth I thought I would share my progress with the new box. Having been out painting a few times this year I decided that the following were the requirements for the new box. Of course everything is a compromise and each artist will differ on their priorities for their equipment. Anyway here are mine.

1. Fits onto a basic camera tripod
2. Is not hugely expensive. Therefore made by myself
3. Is capable of being carried 2 miles with relative ease. Therefore no heavier that 3kg + contents
4. Can be assembled in app. 60 seconds
5. Can carry a primed board (painted or otherwise) safely size up to 18 inches x 14 inches
6.  Is reasonably stable and adjustable

So far the box and carrier which sits in the lid are made. The lid is detachable to bring it forward to avoid a 12-14 inch reach to the board when painting. I have used Pelcon detachable hinges. I tried all sorts of adjusting arms but settled for a simple system in the end.

The lid attaches to an arm on a pivot in the box and is held by two clamps using washer based wing nuts.

I am trying things out as I go and the process has worked so far. Overall weight is on target 2.6kg.

I have oredered what I hope is the appropriate tripod. In the end if I have to drill through and replace the camera mount for a more substantial bolt and clamp I will.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Cotswolds February 2016

I had a few days in Broadway and managed to get two paintings done. The first being of Boradway itself. I failed to really get a grip of the composition of the painting right from the off which led to as far as I am concerned a disappointing result. I was too keen to get painting and another couple of minutes thought would have paid dividends.

The second painting I did was of the Church at Childswickham. I used my pochade box as I had to carry it about 1.5 miles to get there. It was a cold and windy day. I had an idea of the view I wanted but when I got to the field I found it was too windy to set up for that view. The pochade box would have been blown over. I retreated to a spot near a stream running around the field sheltered by a large hedge.
I then spent a little time doing a pencil sketch in my book and then got on with the painting. I was keen not to repeat the same mstake again. I used a ground of Raw Sienna.

The sun had been out for the whole morning and was out until about 5 minutes into the painting.Then clouds... Still I had down the main tonal values and carried on. Then, I don't believe it someone lit a bonfire the other side of the hedge!! It was like bits of snow falling on me. After ten minutes or so the wind changed and I could breath again.

So all in all January and February have been okay. Cold and challenging but okay. I am working on my new pochade box currently.