Thursday, 3 March 2016

Large Pochade Box

For what it is worth I thought I would share my progress with the new box. Having been out painting a few times this year I decided that the following were the requirements for the new box. Of course everything is a compromise and each artist will differ on their priorities for their equipment. Anyway here are mine.

1. Fits onto a basic camera tripod
2. Is not hugely expensive. Therefore made by myself
3. Is capable of being carried 2 miles with relative ease. Therefore no heavier that 3kg + contents
4. Can be assembled in app. 60 seconds
5. Can carry a primed board (painted or otherwise) safely size up to 18 inches x 14 inches
6.  Is reasonably stable and adjustable

So far the box and carrier which sits in the lid are made. The lid is detachable to bring it forward to avoid a 12-14 inch reach to the board when painting. I have used Pelcon detachable hinges. I tried all sorts of adjusting arms but settled for a simple system in the end.

The lid attaches to an arm on a pivot in the box and is held by two clamps using washer based wing nuts.

I am trying things out as I go and the process has worked so far. Overall weight is on target 2.6kg.

I have oredered what I hope is the appropriate tripod. In the end if I have to drill through and replace the camera mount for a more substantial bolt and clamp I will.

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